Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The World of Myrr with Andrew Cawood


I was once again joined by Andrew Cawood, the creator of the popular Monsters Book Series, which featured Monsters of the Underworld, City, Wilderness, Dungeon and Feyland 1 and 2. Andrew is currently kickstarting the World of Myrr, which is the fantasy setting in which the monster books have been based in. 

To learn more about Cawood Publishing:

Thursday, November 23, 2023

OBSCURE - Game Pitch


OBSCURE is a tabletop role-playing game inspired by the genre "found-footage horror" known from movies and video games like The Blair Witch Project, Outlast and V/H/S. The game is made for one-location horror one-shots and survival horror campaigns, where storytelling is weighted above rules, and horror above action. 

The Player Characters are not heroes, just regular everyday people caught up in horrifying situations, where death is always lurking around the corner. This roleplaying game is designed to match the unnerving experience of watching a horror movie or telling a ghost story around a campfire. To capture the atmosphere of urban legends in a time before the internet was a common thing. 

OBSCURE is about solving mysteries. It is about running and hiding. It is about confronting your worst fears and overcome them. And above all, it is about getting through the night - alive. Join us for a live stream with Tommy Sunzenauer - a Danish illustrator, graphic designer and gamebook maker, and one half of the company Blæk Games, that brought you SVMP and Goblin Gonzo. 

To Learn More: 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Liminal Horror & One Night at the Shelterwood Inn

I was joined by the creatives minds behind LIMINAL HORROR, which is a rules-lite, adaptable modern horror roleplaying game about normal characters and their struggles against the things that go bump in the night. I welcomed Goblin Archives who wrote Liminal Horror based upon the Cairn System, and Josh Domanski who has been instrumental is developing the look and feel of the system through modules like The Bureau and The Bloom. 

To learn more: 




Thursday, November 16, 2023

Spectacle: Science-Fantasy Gladiatorial Mayhem for Troika! - Game Pitch


Spectacle is an all-in one world setting, adventure hook, and background compendium for the Troika! RPG system inspired by that classic comic book premise: your PCs have been kidnapped by an insane alien overlord and forced into gladiatorial combat! 

Craft your character from a d66 table of unique backgrounds and prepare to step forth into battle against other PCs, sinister alien threats, and perhaps even the omnipresent EYE itself. Winning your freedom is only the beginning. 

Spectacle is written by Seth Ian, with artwork by Mark Conway, editing by Luke Gearing, and layout by Tony Jaguar. For fans of Jack Kirby's Fourth World, living planets such as Mogo and Ego, Junji Ito's Hellstar Remina, and the weirder pallet of comic tropes. 

This 40+ page digest-sized zine features:
  • 36 new backgrounds with unique stats, skills, and starting equipment
  • 36 special enemies, including The Eye, the all-seeing autocrat of the gladiator pits
  • Detailed rules for creating and running adventures upon the living planet
  • Random tables for generating Gladiator Names, Fight Titles, Random Encounters, and more 

Game Jam - Comical Spheres: Longshot City and Beyond! 


Friday, November 3, 2023

Mythic Bastionland with Chris McDowall

I welcome back Chris McDowall, who is the author of the influential games of Into the Odd and Electric Bastionland. Chris will be kickstarting his newest venture Mythic Bastionland which has been billed as rules light roleplaying in a dreamlike world of knights and myths. 

Learn more at: